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Event Details

McMinn County Living Heritage Museum Quilt Show

When: Oct 11, 2012
10:00 am
Where: Athens TN
Details: September 28 to October 19: Event, The Year of the Art Quilt
Sponsored by Crescent Sock, the event will host a judged quilt competition and a presentation by Fiber Artist Susan Lenz. The museum will also host presentations on the textile industry in McMinn County and hold discussion groups on the study of quilts as historic documents.

September 28th to October 19th
REGISTER NOW!! for the 2013 Quilt Show
Show information, Categories and Rules,Registration form

Best of Show Categories:

Bed Quilt- Pieced and Quilted $750
Bed Quilt- Mixed Techniques or Appliqued and Quilted $750
Wall Quilt- Pieced and Quilted $500
Wall Quilt- Mixed Techniques or Appliqued and Quilted $500
Viewers Choice- $250