Sale up to 50% Off
Yes the Cleveland store will be open today, January 2nd, 10-5
Inventory reduction sale and sale to help combine the shop items.
All bolts with orange dot not on sale for 45% off. 55% off is you buy the rest of the bolt. These are duplicate bolts that are to be recombined with the original bolts. We are working to do this, but until they are done you can win with a great sale deal.
Seasonal are now 50% off until the end of next week. January 14th. Get them while they last.
All other items are 20% off until the end of next week
Online customers please contact us by phone 423-715-2908 or email susan@hyderhangout.com if you see an item you want and think it might be in the discount. We will locate it for you and let you know the price. We are not taking the time to mark anything down on the site so regular prices will show.