National Quilting Month Sales
Sale for the month. All quilting supplies 20% off. This does include all rulers, notions, and patterns. If you shop online, and do not see the discount, mention this email, and we will manually discount and refund the sale price. Also, we will honor competitors coupons from here on out. Their limitations printed on their coupons apply to our store. If questions of wheter a coupon applies, contact us at
We are updating a few things on our webpage and at the store. Come see us. Hope to have some items moved to clearance by the end of the month.
Speaking of end of the month, Stashbusters Auction is Friday, March 30th. 6pm If you are inactive, but wish to spend some of your stashbuster bucks, you can become active. Sign up for six months starting with April membership and you can participate in the Auction. There will be two used sewing machines in the auction and much more. Click here for more details.
Reminders: If you have anything on hold in the hold room, or in the finished closet, please pick them up or renew the hold by the end of April. We will be returning the items to the showroom then.