Quilt Shop September October Newsletter.
I am at the Ricky Tims Seminar.
I wish every single one of you had been able to come it is sooo good!
Two updates for this coming up this week not included in the newletter:.
The quilter is coming four days early this week!. He is coming to town to join our local Guild this Tuesday, so he will be here on this coming up Tuesday. I think I will join him. I may join the guild also.
Remeber the Art Exploration Group on Monday September 19th at 6 PM. The presenter will be Donna and we are learning Paper Quilling. Wow!
So much is happening this fall. Read the newsletter closely so you don't miss anything. Also, read our weekly updates. It is going to be so much fun this fall seaon.
The newsletter has information on two local quilt shws that we are participating in. I am a drop off spot for the Common Threads Quilt show to be held in Cleveland, TN. Bring your quilts to the shop September 26th through October 3rd.
The Heritage Quilt Guild show is being held in conjunction with the Pumpkintown festival in Athens, TN. The festival is a one day only event, but the quilt show will be for ten whole days October 6-15. I have paperwork at the shop about entering quilts in the Athens show. To enter quilts you will need to take them to Athens on September 30 or October 1.
Read our newsletter for this month here. Thanks so very much for Fallingwaters who did the newsletter. She took a pile of information, research how to make a newsletter and put together an awesome newsletter. Thanks once again, Fallingwaters.