Quilt Show Update
If you do not get your quilts to Hyderhangout for the Athens show then you can take them up yourself on Sunday or Monday.
Quilts will be accepted for entry on Sunday, September 30,
1 PM - 5 PM and Monday, October 1 from 10 AM - 5 PM. at The Art Center, 320 N. White St. Athens, TN. 37303 The deadline for entry in the Heritage show in Athens is this weekend. I will be taking the quilts to Athens on Sunday so get them to me by then. Bring them to the shop by 5 pm today or make arraingments to get them to me by 2pm on Sunday.
Quilts for the Common Threads show, to be held at Mount Olive Church, can be dropped off next week during regular business hours.
Crayon coloring technique class today at 1 pm. Come see the wonderful Holiday patterns available. Class students get a discount on items in the store that apply to the class topic.