Quilt Shop Calendar
We have lots of things coming up this next year. Please check our updaated calender and see if there is anything you would like to sign up for. Remeber we have preplanning for the classes so let us know ahead of time if you plan to attend any class or club. click here to go to the calendar
Important things to look at are the Beginning Quilting class starting the second week of January. If you wish to attend the Thursday evening and the Saturday daytime class you may for the same low price. The class cost includes your choice of about five different beginners books. WE have some wonderful new to us books that are available for your choice.
There are lots of monthly classes and clubs going on at Hyderhangout. Check out our calendar and join us by coming and hanging out. We love to see you all often.
Thank you for your support and the start of our third year in the current location. All of you are the best quilter and sewer and crafter friends and customers in the whole world.