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Remnant 38" x WOF The Bees Knees TERRIE MANGAT 44''/45'' 100% cotton

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Manufactured by Free Spirit. High thread count out of print.

Free Spirit
The Bee's Knees by Terrie Mangat
Tm21-Teal Violets
44/45" wide
100% cotton Terrie graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1970 with a BA in Art. She has been many times exhibited in the Quilt National in Ohio and was included in the Best 100 quilts of the century in the year 2000. One of the founding owners of ST. Theresa Textile Trove, Terrie started drawing fabric designs on old sheets for doll clothes when she was 5 years old. She now takes great delight in drawing with paint in repeat the designs that FreeSpirit prints for you.

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